Thoughts from the Heart
Jesus Christ has set the bar to which we can compare ourselves. If we haven't reached it we can't but humble ourselves. There is no danger to put the bar too high. He died for us. As long as we value our lives before others we will not accomplish anything. Not until we give our lives as Christ did can we be delivered. That is the law. Nobody can stand this ultimatum, it is too much. But it cannot work in any other way. Anything else will only be a fragment of the whole. To reach all, everybody, forever, you have to give everything.
Spring free. There is no sign.
It's a thin line to the comprehensive.
The treasure storehouse needs no inventory. Rely on the infinite mass beyond your reach. Let go with both your hands. How desperate trying to affirm yourself through what you got in your hands.
Why base a discussion on false terms? Someone said; "The possibility exist" and there from accepted the possibility that it could be possible. But how far did he go in order to meet that possibility, there and then? That's where the leap comes in.
Wanting to be free is the difference between simplicity and complexity.
How far you are willing to trust the truth? Can you discard your prejudices in times of distress?
The moment it is brought to your attention (either from memory, from another or by incident) is the time to clarify it. Solve it the instant it arises. One word is enough. One raised finger is enough to make you turn around. Have no hidden agenda, no strategy.
Always have your eye set on liberation. Always have your mind set on freedom. Always have your soul set on God. Always have your heart set on truth. Always have your attention set on openness. Ready to look again, to be reminded, to be overthrown. Remember.
There is a time and place for everything. But in the time of freedom there is no time to make distinctions.
No need to know. Final purity.
From nothing comes something. From nothing come original language. Original language has never before been heard. It is ones own. It is new. Anything but that is second hand. It's a phoenix. Rising from the ashes. It has no connection with the past. Something that the universe never before has seen. Therefore creation is not yet exhausted. The universe not yet finished.
Beyond the chain of causation. Independent arising.
Immanent action. Spring free. There is no sign.
The final shore. The other side. The opposite shore. Crossed over. Not knowing "crossing over" before crossing over. There is finality to the other shore, the other side. Standing on the other shore looking back one is glad. I made it.
Triumph. There is work to do.
Infinite freedom of movement. Out of nothing comes something. Something that can have a million shapes: This! This!
Freedom in action. Freedom is only in action. Freedom can only be proved in action. Freedom is not a concept.
A laying down of the idea of separate self-hood. There is no individual, no entity, no separate selves. There exist no separate life. Non-duality means not two. There is no "my life". There is existence, life, and consciousness. There is only the whole. You don't exist. If you believe it, you separate yourself from life and become unreachable, because you place yourself on an island. The Buddha called it "the conceit of I". A belief in "I" places you among the non-believers. The laying down of this idea of a separate self-hood places you among the normal.
Being nobody implies laying down the notion of separate existence. Being nobody implies freedom from self. "Buddha nature" signifies no separate existence. Being nobody implies no entity. Being nobody refers to no one. Absence of separate self.
Lay it to rest.
Now can there be still finding out? That innocent interest. The passionate yearning for the impossible.
There can be no point when one is ready to be nobody. There can be no working towards it. As if you are building up strength to be able to let go. Like if you have a refuge at the time of laying down the pretense. Like if it is safe to be nobody.
There is no separate self. So there is no safety for a separate self. Absence of self is absence of fear. Fear is an illusion created by the need to stay alive as a separate entity.
If who you are is always defined by the need to see yourself as separate, you have not escaped the wheel of life and death.
It's a package deal. It's an impersonal one. All carry the same raw material. See it as the human predicament. All partaking in the drama. A multi colored display of life.
My pride was a cover up for tremendous fear. I had held myself to be someone. A mask of pretense shielding me from relationships. Reasons for being better than others, when in fact aware of being less then others. Laid bare I lost control.
At the time of reckoning, can you lay down what you rely on? On judgment day can you stand naked? You will be stripped clean. So will you be able to give up what means most to you? Can you lay down God? Can you lay down your self?
There is, there is not. Positive, negative. Views, convictions. All create proportional emotional experiences. As you view life so it appears to you, and so it will respond to you, affirming your view. Your view projects itself outwards, and like in a mirror, is reflected back in precise detail. And you say, -See, I was right!
What does it matter which view is true if the personal doesn't exist? Anything you are holding up fall within the realm of existence and non-existence. Freedom is not about choosing the positive over the negative. Freedom signifies freedom from belief in separate self-hood. Freedom being all one. Freedom signifies no boundaries, no limits. Freedom means nothing to protect nothing to justify. Freedom from self.
Basing yourself in a fundamental positive attitude towards life will most likely land you in heavenly realms. As the opposite will probably drag you through hell. If we are to believe the eastern religions, heaven is not forever, and neither is hell. So is there a middle way to freedom? Can you give up going to heaven? And renounce hell? Seeing that taking any kind of position will land you in its proportional effect. So therefore recognize your positions and be free from them.
Falling free you don't have to clutch air.
Put yourself on the line. You are sentenced to death. Admit it all, hold nothing back. Stark naked in the floodlight. Confess your prejudices. It is all you. This is how you enter.
Only absolute freedom is accepted. I will not settle for anything less.
Beyond the known and the unknown. That perfect place between all opposites. The Gate-less Gate. Non-duality. The Middle Way.
Cannon: The thousand-armed Bodhisattva of compassion freely uses all her arms. She manifests the Buddha's state of liberation. This state is impossible to defile.
Infinite hands, infinite eyes. Infinite ways of expression. By indefinite tactful methods able to explain exactly the truth of the matter to any person listening. Showing the truth fully according to the ways understandable to that person. The truth can be expressed perfectly to any set condition or point of view. By using the living reality of the non-dual. Using freedom as a means as well as a goal. Freedom has to be used as the means if ever the truth will be understood. Any other way of trying to elucidate the goal of freedom can never have any real significance. If words are needed words are used, if action is needed action is used. Freedom can be shown in every way. There is no restriction to the truth. The significance with understanding the truth is that nothing more needs to be added.
Freedom has no history. Freedom has no past. You cannot learn about freedom from the past.
Within a mountain; a dynamo. Sometimes the mountain is seen, sometimes the dynamo. Sometimes both mountain and dynamo are seen. Sometimes neither is seen.
Guard and watch over this treasure.
The Buddha is revealed only to free living beings. This is the motivation. This is the Bodhi-citta. That is its purpose. The Messiah appears only to save humanity. That is its function. That is his mission. That is our Savior.
Establishment of the Bodhi-citta. Establishment of the will to the supreme. This is the norm. This is the standard. This is the function. This is the criteria. This is its purpose. This is ones motivation, ones intention, ones will. Ones will to the truth. This is taking upon oneself the full responsibility for being a human being. It is everything. Having sole responsibility for the welfare of every living being and having sole responsibility for the planet as a whole.
You can save history by taking responsibility for our heritage. By taking full responsibility for everything that ever happened you redeem the wrongs and the pains of the past. You in fact redeem the world, and save the dead as well as the living.
It is not difficult to show the truth, because it is self-evident. You only need to point out the obvious. No need to look for anything. Therefore it is so beautiful. Therefore it is so full of love.
If there is the will to the truth it is already accomplished. All these pointers are only for the ones who have the will to the truth.
Only God is good.
In meditation, don't recreate the future.
The Dharma has no breaks. Seamless it flows on.
Let everything be as it is. Let go.
In the midst of samsara nirvana will be found. Samsara is the fertile ground of Nirvana.
Remembering Baghvan. Is the only thing you need. Only him, only him.
A life in pursuit of the truth. Seeking, finding, pursuing, following -is following the Way.
Walking meditation is following in the footsteps of those who walked before.
Nothing to stick to.
Thinking no thought in a free flow of mind, no breaks in a seamless stream.
No I to cling to. Nothing to stick to they vanish. They slip off immediately. Unable to stay.
Sri Ram Surat Kumar: "I learn from you!"
Whether you take the leap now or in ten years time it will be the same leap. Nothing can prepare you for it.
In the time of freedom.
This is the time of freedom. Being no one. Having achieved no thing.
Time is real. Freedom is always in time. There is no intermediary. There is no second hand. Real time is always. There is no going back and forth. Everything always happens in time. You never get a second chance.
Walking with no shadow means that you leave no trace. It means light passes straight through you. Wind passes straight through you. Nothing lands on you because you don't resist. Nothing sticks. There is nothing in the way. Movement is natural and free. No effort. Non-resistance.
No horizon behind you. Gone beyond.
At the speed of light no one looks back.
We were walking along the Ganges to the second bridge and as we were just to come upon the junction where the trail meets the paved road we passed three people. A boy laying casually by the root of a tree and two grown-ups talking with each other, one being a Sadhu and the other a layman. At this point the path had come into a small clearing and I was taken by the blessedness of the scene. The whole area was pervaded by sheer brilliance. My friend didn't seem to notice it. This brilliance was coming from the boy, not directly but it was because of him. I just knew it. The boy just didn't do anything. But I caught the Sadhus' eye and I felt that he knew this too and that he was a protege of the boy. My friend and me didn't pause and walked on as nothing had happened and I didn't mention to him my experience. I had felt that I had walked in the presence of God and that, as I walked away, I didn't leave this space.
He is God incarnate, Baghvan himself. Only because now when I remember this meeting I am filled with confidence and with the mystery of God and am beyond this world and its concerns.
Now I only need to remember him and the glory of him is with me. Remember Baghvan. Only him, only him.
Mind is Buddha. This mind of ours is really nothing wrong with, and it's not even limited. Our mind is infinite and contains everything. Thinking is not limited. Thinking is activity of total freedom. Where is there a limit to your thinking? Mind is really ungraspable. It is the most mysterious of all the secrets. Mind is Buddha, and you are using mind every day, and you are using Buddha without even knowing it. It has infinite capacity. It has no shape. The only mistake you make is to postulate an "I". This is pure mind. -Not tainted by ignorance.
Real Time. Mind exists within real time. Real time is the arena of mind. Real time is the lifeblood of the Buddha.
Everything is a mystery and everything is within your reach.
I have to go after enlightenment. I must pursue this mysterious secret that keeps me like a blind man, -that leaves me lost and confounded. -That gives me a hint and then vanishes without a trace. It leads me to unknown lands, -to uncharted waters. It beckons me to give up all and seek it out in the extreme. It wants to lure me into foreign lands.
No thought sustains the instantaneous action that is the expression of liberated understanding.
There is no understanding of this that is possible to allude to. Only the courage of action before thought is necessary.
We don't know how it is so, and we can't know if it's true but from experience.
This means leaving all reference. Not knowing, as you once did in the beginning.
To rely on that which you have surrendered to. To trust that power that is beyond you. Beyond your thinking.
Right action is this action. Right speech is this speech. Right thought is this thought.
Doubt is its enemy. Beware!
It leaves no trace. It has no sign. It makes no marks.
All things are to be understood. Leaving no stone unturned. In order to see through mans thought. In the light of the absolute truth we stand clean, letting nothing stick. But we keep digging because we don't want to be caught. We unearth, dispel darkness, bring light. There are so many jewels that are scattered, some in the open, some hidden, some forgotten. They remain for us to distill clear liquid out of them.
In the clear light of understanding wisdom shines with its invisible presence.
Real time is the lifeblood of the Buddha
Time is the blood and space is the body
The body and blood of Jesus Christ.
As blood runs through the body, time runs through space.
We all share the same experience. One experience in one body.
We are One body, all belonging to each other.
Everything always happens in time.
In real time history becomes an explosion in motion. History is the manifestation of God. All time is lit up at once as an exploding fuse wire.
No distance between here and there, between you and me.
Constantly in the now. Your own mind being the Buddha. What the future holds nobody knows.
Realizing what having no relationship to thought means was simple.
I do not need to assume any relationship to anything. It is only a mental connection. It has no real bind. So then it was easy to assume or not to assume a relationship to anything. Having no relationship to thought, you're free and independent.
Bursts of fire from nowhere. This secret nobody knows. This stands by itself. It relies upon no thing. One Experience, One Body
When I gave my life to you, you gave it straight back to me.