Everything is Self Evident
Seeing freed from mis-identification one sees the world in its true light, and everything is seen as it is. False as false and true as true. All things perfect as they are. Of one taste, of one flavor. All being an expression of THAT which lays behind, -the never changing nature. Seeing all in this true perspective one knows how to act in accordance with the changing circumstances. Everything and everybody are revealed by their appearances. Nothing is hidden. All being of one taste, there is nothing to avoid. Seeing freed from belief in separate self-hood reveals a limitless and timeless objective view. In THAT oneself and everything else is seen clearly just as it is. Scrutinizing this view one understands the inherent unreality of this world, one understands non-duality and one understands the futility of trying to know with the mind. The mind looses its power and is rightly brought down from its pedestal, to serve instead of rule. This seeing is the goal and the path. There is no other way. Establish yourself in it and avoid the temptation to indulge in argumentation. Know it for yourself.
As long as you harbor any ideas, any doubts about the absolute nature of yourself and as long as you can’t with ease relax into this seeing, that will still obstruct you to be able to see clearly for more than a short period of time. Any condition that is not seen through will immediately hinder clear perception. Pride, anger, desire etc. if not seen in time will hamper your ability to act appropriately. As long as there is any need to keep yourself at arms length, at a safe distance, there haven’t been a breakthrough and it will always keep you from true union, true love. Give up the idea of personal ego hood. Realize that there is nothing to protect, nothing to justify. Dare to give up the idea of being special.
Seeing things the way they really are can only be done from the not-known, and ones beautiful ability to respond rests solely on ones knowing of its radiance of love. Love is the power and the glory. Let it shine and transform your life. Stay in touch always with your source, your true nature. Rest your desires in that hole of nothingness. Let them disappear in the burning light of the absolute. Bring your doubts, thoughts and feelings to that glowing wholeness of your being and see them burn up. When you act, You act. You decide. You have control. You act from the knowing and presence of total awareness, of the divine. Fall back, dive within, go deeper inside. Keep disappearing. Go on, move into the source, the hole, the field of nothing-whatsoever. Back to origin. Enter not-knowing and be present from that view, from that perspective. Now, always, forever more. Let any desire that tempt you to leave that place be burned by the fact of its ultimate falseness revealed by its own appearance. Maya is destroyed the moment it appears. You can see Maya appear, see it last, and see it disappear. You see form, you see it change. You see cause and effect, you see distinctions. Any thing seen is Maya. Everything cognizable is Maya. Maya is also all things still unseen. Even an idea is Maya. You are Maya. Being free one is enlightened by all things. Life is shining up its illusion. A spectacle of light and form, a magical dance of light. A mirage, an illusion, a dream. Free to roam around. Free to sport in all various realms, blending with the conditions at hand. Free to ramble wherever at will. Always knowing ones source, always in touch. A free spirit. Free from form and freely using form. Maya is everything, you are nothing.